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The pantry box sponsorships are a HIT!


Updated: Dec 8, 2021

Last week we reached out to our Hope House community to see if anyone would be interested in sponsoring the Hope House pantry boxes. We are thrilled to share that we have had several people reach out and we would love to share their stories.

Our first week's sponsor is Christina Valenzuela and Scott Brown. Here are her reasons in her words:

My name is Christina, and my soon to be husband, is Scott. I am a stay at home mom, of 6. Scott is a mechanic, carpenter, builder, etc. jack of all trades. We live in a small community of English Mountain, right outside of Cocke County. So here’s our story…

We are a HUGE family of 8, and doing better than ever! BUT that’s not always been the case. Until about 3 years ago, we were on the other side of the fence. We were homeless, jobless, drug addicts, with no car, and on the verge of losing the one thing that mattered most in our lives, our kids. And we did. We were at rock bottom. A few kids were living with grandparents and others in foster care. At this point, we had a choice. A choice to do better for ourselves and our kids, or continue down this dark road we were on. We chose our kids. At first it was so overwhelming, and we took baby steps. Sometimes, we were knocked back a few steps, but we kept pushing forward. The kids were our ultimate motivation. In this process, our kids (and ourselves) were blessed with the greatest foster home we could EVER have dreamed of. Not only did they take amazing care of our children, they supported us every step of the way. Fast forward, after lots of love, support, and hard work, we got our kids back! We have fun, loving home, smart healthy children, and almost 3 years of sobriety. As we all formed relationships, we were introduced to The Hope House of Cocke County. The kids foster mother, Heather, was a founder. We want to help support this amazing organization because we have been there: Homeless and hungry. If our story and our sponsorship can help just one person, or one family, it’s worth it all.

We want to thank Christina and Scott for being our first sponsor to step forward AND for the incredible courage to come forward with honesty and LOVE. We love you guys!!! Keep being awesome!

Hope House of Cocke County; Newport; Cocke County; Tennessee; Homeless; Shelter; Pantry Boxes
Christina, Scott, and their children

There are plenty of spaces available to be a sponsor of the week. Please reach out to one of us or share this article with anyone that you think may be interested! WE love helping you share your passion for helping!

God Bless you all!

We hope you will consider donating to the Hope House of Cocke County by check or PayPal Friends and Family

Checks can be made payable to “Hope House of Cocke County” and mailed to:

PO Box 1019

Newport, TN 37822

For PayPal, our username is:

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